

Logo small Lokahi Events Retreat Planner logo


Strategize. Connect. Gather

Curate a Transformative Experience


Using Grounding + Intuitive

Event Planning Framework

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You have a gift. A message that needs to be shared with your tribe.

You’ve spent so much energy building your business + your community and you are ready to meet your people in person! 

Have you felt a deeper calling to gather your people and spread your knowledge, your passion, your wisdom to your community that will absorb your teachings and implement it in their lives?

You have been teaching people for awhile now and you feel that the next step is to bring together a group of like-minded people to deep dive into your teachings.

Planning a live event or retreat may seem overwhelming to you. All the logistics, decisions you need to make with venue, vendors, budgeting, just to name a few. 

You may be questioning…

-Where do I even begin with retreat planning?
-What if I end up losing a lot of money?
-How do I create a transformational experience?
-I don’t want to be responsible for all the finer details with booking vendors, timing everything, set up, clean up and most of the logistics. I feel so overwhelmed.
-I don’t want to do planning! Can you do it for me?

These questions and thoughts are completely normal.
You’re in the right place!
You don’t have to do this all alone!

As your Retreat Planner, my mission is to guide you back to your vision of what feeling you want your guests to walk away with and bringing you back to your purpose of why you are holding this retreat.

You have a deep desire to share your message and calling with others that you believe will transform one’s life. 

We can support you in making your event planning process fun + playful with grounding strategies in place.


 Our mission is to help soulpreneurs host strategic and profitable retreats for business growth that makes a life changing impact on your guests.


Have you met your clients in person? How would it feel if you were able to meet them and hug them!

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I’m Naomi, the Retreat Planner + Event Strategist with a mission to support soulpreneurs spread their message through live events.

Having organizing retreats, weddings, and corporate conferences,  I deeply resonated with smaller, intimate retreats where I witnessed many transformational life changing moments!

My father introduced me to Hay House authors as a teenager such as Caroline Myss (medical intuitive) , Sonia Choquette (intuitive guide), Don Miguel Ruiz (author of The Four Agreements), which opened up my world to personal development.

Today, I 💚love working with soulpreneurs that have a deeper mission to teach and share their message to help people. 

Supporting soulpreneurs with logistics, eliminating any fears about hosting events, inspiring my clients that the guests need to hear their message, and to witness the magic all come together is what ignites me.

When like-minded people gather with a collective purpose at a live event and transformation is experienced, imagine the ripple effect of goodness + kindness that the guests are able to bring home to their families, work-places, and community. 

Spread the goodness.

Spread the kindness.

Imagine your guests feeling so heightened by their new profound experience and knowledge, going home after the event, to implement what they have learned from your event, to spread kindness, to spread goodness to their family, business, workplace, and community, all from what they learned from you.

I truly believe live events have the power of changing lives.

I can’t wait to hear about your vision and concept to bring your retreat to life!


Virtual Retreat Planning

Retreat Intensive

Did you already start planning a retreat, feeling slightly overwhelmed?

Retreat intensive will provide you with quick and actionable feedback. If you need an extra set of eyes to look over any logistical aspect of event planning, or need some direction to strategize about your event, the Intensive is a great option.

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Retreat Coaching

1:1 three months coaching program to help you strategize + plan your next successful retreat!

We will dive deep to discover your retreat goals, structure, and manifest your ultimate profitable retreat!

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Maui Event Planning

Your Retreat on Maui

Let’s host your next event on Maui!

Rejuvenating Retreat Planning
High Level Masterminds Planning
Team Building Planning


Maui Event Planning

We can help you plan your social or corporate event!

Birthdays, Anniversaries, Baby Showers
Fundraisers, Galas, Conferences, Summits
Reunions, Day of Maui Wedding Coordinator

Explore more


Planning Templates

Envisioning Purpose, Goals, Concept Worksheet
Budgeting Planning Spreadsheet
Venue Option Document
Event Agenda + Timeline
Supplies + Materials Checklist

Coming Soon