
Hawaiian Meaning Behind Lōkahi

Hawaiian Meaning of LokahiLōkahi  is a powerful ancient Hawaiian word with many layers of meaning.
Lōkahi means balance.
Body, mind, spirit and the world are interconnected and is balanced.
That we can survive together as a group by relying on each other’s support and not independently.
Lōkahi also means unity, harmony, and connection.
Bringing together people through cooperation and collaboration, that all who participated feel valued and appreciated.
A sense of teamwork with a purpose and uniting efforts. With lōkahi, more work can be achieved through cooperation and synergy.
I chose to name my business Lōkahi Events because gathering and bringing together people can be a beautifully curated experience with lōkahi.

Greatness happens when like-minded people gather for an event with a purpose.
Meaningful connections are made.

Magic happens within a collective energy at live events.
