
When women come together, we move mountains

As humans, we are wired to connect, to be a part of something bigger like a community.

Surviving alone and being fully self sustainable is quite a challenge, we need each other.

Even as an introvert, I crave for connection with people or a community.

I definitely need some quiet, recovery time afterwards, but deep connection energizes me, especially if you find your amazing peeps that believe in the same cause and run on high + motivating vibes.

In September, I got to be a part of a community of women coming together at an event with a purpose called Radiant You.

We celebrated over 100 Maui sisters coming together for a fundraising event – celebrating womanhood and self care with a little 🥂.

Pampering with glam bar, lei po’o, reiki, henna and nourishing appetizers and dinner.

All profits from this event were donated to put together wellness kits with non-toxic makeup and skin care for those that need it the most in our local women’s homeless shelter and to women with cancer.

The host of the event, Meili is a Maui wedding make-up artist who makes brides feel and look their very best on their wedding day.

I wanted to share with you part of her speech from that night, that had the room in complete silence and awe.

“The real magic of tonight is being around each of you gorgeous creatures – perfect as you are, complete in every way, worthy and powerful women who came together to lift each other up, and donate so that all women on Maui can experience standard self-care and wellness. 

Often times we are our own worst enemies and it’s hard in a world that doesn’t want you to love yourself. It will give you every reason to think that you aren’t enough – but we have the power to choose how we respond to it and the power to take each thought captive and only allow the one true voice of unconditional love to infiltrate our thoughts. 

It takes radical self love to break those chains and know that with every breath you are born for a reason, you are meant to be here, your worth is not dependent on a number on the scale, and your beauty is so much deeper than how flawless your skin is. 

If there is one thing I want you to do here tonight is to look in that mirror and say I LOVE YOU and mean it – and then when you go home and take off the lashes and the shimmer- say it again. And  when you wake up a day older, a day wiser, say it again and every night as you stare into those mysterious eyeballs that hold the secrets of the universe in them. Say I love you completely, Not, I’ll love you when you lose 20lbs, or when you get married, or have the kid, or when you get 10k followers. Love yourself – Right now – mid conquer- hot mess- keeping your eyes above water while paddling furiously beneath you- You, are worthy of your own love that you so effortlessly pour into your other relationships, and you are more than enough just as you are.” – Meili Coon

This event created such a buzz on Maui! Can’t wait until the next one!
